
Queen - Too much love will kill you

Skyraider 2006. 10. 2. 09:31

Photo By Skyraider

Too Much Love will Kill You - Queen

I'm just the pieces of the man I used to be
Too many bitter tears
are raining down on me
I'm far away from home
And I've been facing this alone
For much too long

I feel like no-one ever told the truth to me
About growing up and
what a struggle it would be
In my tangled state of mind
I've been looking back to find
Where I went wrong

Too much love will kill you
If you can't make up your mind
Torn between the lover
And the love you leave behind
You're headed for disaster
'cos you never read the signs
Too much love will kill you every time

I'm just the shadow of the man I used to be
And it seems like there's no way out of this for me
I used to bring you sunshine
Now all I ever do
is bring you down

How would it be if you were standing in my shoes
Can't you see that it's impossible to choose
No there's no making sense of it
Every way I go I'm bound to lose

Too much love will kill you
Just as sure as none at all

It'll drain the power that's in you
Make you plead and scream and crawl
And the pain will make you crazy
You're the victim of your crime
Too much love will kill you every time

Too much love will kill you
It'll make your life a lie
Yes, too much love will kill you
And you won't understand why
You'd give your life, you'd sell your soul
But here it comes again
Too much love will kill you
In the end...
In the end.

퀸의 마지막 앨범이었던 'Made In Heaven'에 수록되었던 곡으로 당시 타이틀이었던
'Made In Heaven'보다도 먼저 내 귀에 들어왔던 곡이다.

사실 'Made In Heaven'은 1991년 사망한 프레디 머큐리의 유고앨범으로 더 잘 알려져
있는데 이외에도
I Was Born To Love You와 같은 명곡들이 줄지어 포진한 걸작이다.

너무 심한 사랑은 당신을 망치고 말거라는 가사가 귀에 들어오기 시작한 것은 사실
오래되지 않았지만 모르고 들을 때도 감흥은 여전했다.
특히 프레디의 절창에 가려져 있지만 기타리스트 브라이언 메이의 연주도 빼어났던
이 곡은 국내에서 모 자동차 회사의 CM으로 사용된바 있다.
(자동차 CM이
망치고 말거야라니이건 대한항공이 비행기 사고로 전멸했던
아니타 커 싱어즈의
Welcome To My WorldCM으로 이용했던 것과 비슷한
실수라 할 것이다)